Gichin Funakoshi’s Karate-dō Kyōhan: The Master Texts (1973)

To search for the old is to understand the new
The old, the new
This is a matter of time.
In all things man must have a clear mind.
The Way:
Who will pass it on straight and well?
- A poem by Gichin Funakoshi

Karate-dō Kyōhan: The Master Texts (1973)
One of karate’s greatest masters, Gichin Funakoshi, brings a detailed technical manual for every karateka in Karate-dō Kyōhan: The Master Texts.

Translated by Tsutomu Ohshima, who founded the first karate association in 1956 in the United States (US), the book contains technical details including photographs of the nineteen katas selected by Funakoshi to give comprehensive training in karate.

The katas start with the Taikyoku series and ends with Ten No Kata Omote or the introductory kata to sparring. However, there are also more than just technical details.

Funakoshi also defines karate and explains the origins of the Okinawan art. He opens up to his fears of public instruction and talks about the values of karate especially for health, self-defence and spirituality.

A comprehensively detailed technical book, Karate-dō Kyōhan: The Master Texts truly is a textbook for both beginners and advanced students of karate.


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